Barbecue Ribs

Lamb, pork or beef

Recipe Posted on 25th January, 2008

Recipe Source: For many years I've been cooking this recipe using pork belly or pork ribs. I cook it for big parties often because it can be cooked in advance and reheated very successfully. This dish is always a hit and I'm continuously asked for the recipe.

500g lamb ribs, pork ribs, belly pork pieces or beef ribs - your meat will be much juicier if you use darker coloured meat, particularly if you are using pork.

2 tbsp (40ml) soy sauce
2 tbsp (40ml) clear honey
2 tbsp (40ml) plum jam (you can substitute any type of jam except marmalade)
1 tbsp (20ml) white vinegar
1 tbsp (20ml) Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp (5ml) dry mustard powder
2 tbsp (40ml) tomato sauce
Juice of 1 lemon

Combine all marinade ingredients and mix well. Add the ribs and mix to coat each rib completely. You can leave the ribs to marinate for as long as you like, or you can cook them straight away. Sometimes I actually freeze the marinated ribs so that they are ready to go as a fast meal another day.

Pre heat oven to 180degC (350degF or gas mark 4). Lay the ribs out in a baking tray so that they are in one layer only, but tight up against one another, and pour any left over marinade over the top. It is important to use the "right sized" baking tray for your ribs because it helps to ensure the final sauce is not burnt and the ribs are juicy and well coated.

Put the tray of ribs in the oven. Turn the ribs after 30 mins, and then turn them again 30 minutes later. After this, the sauce will slowly start to thicken and you will need to turn the ribs more and more often to prevent them from burning. They are ready when the sauce in the bottom of the pan is brown, thick and glossy. Give the ribs one last turn in the sauce before serving them hot.


  • This dish reheats very well in the oven or microwave, so you can cook it a day or two ahead of time if it suits you - this is particularly handy if you are catering for a large number of people and you want to get some things prepared before the big day.
  • As an alternative, you can cook the meat on the bbq instead of in the oven. If you do this, don't pour the excess marinade over the meat at the start of cooking. Instead, use a brush to baste the meat regularly with the excess marinade while it cooks. If you cook this dish on the bbq it will still be tasty, but not quite as good as the roasted version.