Ultimate Lemon Tart

You can easily turn this into a magnificent lemon meringue pie (Glen's outright favorite) with the leftover egg whites.

Recipe Posted on 24th September, 2004

Recipe Source: I got this recipe out of the Epicurean magazine, issue number 143 - Spring 1991. Sometimes I make it as just a tart, but other times I use the leftover egg whites to make a meringue to put on top. This lemon meringue pie is my brother Glen's favourite! He'd fight off a herd of grumpy lions to get one of these pies, then he'd eat the lot!

Makes 2 tarts and serves 10-12
You need 2 pie/tart dishes

For the Pastry
2 cups flour
3 tbsp. castor sugar
135g butter, cut into small pieces
2 large egg yolks
2 tbsp. lemon juice

For the Filling
6 egg yolks
4 eggs
Grated rind of 4 lemons
1 cup castor sugar
2/3 cup lemon juice
1.5 cups cream

The pastry: Put the flour with the sugar and butter into a food processor and process until crumbly. Add the egg yolk and lemon and mix to a dough. If it cracks when you press a small piece together, it is not moist enough so add a little more lemon juice. Wrap in plastic wrap and leave to rest in a cool place for about 20 minutes. Roll out between waxed paper and put into a tart tin with a removable base or sides. Prick the base lightly, but not through.

Brush a piece of foil with some melted butter and press, butter side down, to cover the base and sides of the tart with baking paper. Fill the tart with pastry weights (dry beans, rice, etc...). Bake in a moderate oven (180°C) for about 20 minutes or until set. Gently peel back the foil and bake a further 10 minutes or until set. Gently peel back the foil and bake a further 10 minutes or until it is golden and crisp. Leave to cool.

The filling: Put the egg yolks with the eggs into a bowl. Add the lemon rind. Be careful when grating the rind that you only use the lemon skin and none of the pith, which will male the tart bitter. Add the castor sugar and gently whisk to break up the eggs. Don’t beat too hard and froth the mixture or it will look bubbly on top when it is cooked.

Stir in the lemon juice and then the cream. Put the mixture into a pouring jug. Place the tart case on a flat baking tray on the oven shelf. Carefully pour in the lemon mixture, this way it will not spill.

Bake for about 25 to 30 minutes in a moderate oven (180°C). The top will be a deep golden color and it should be set on the edges, soft and a little wobbly in the center. As it cools the filling will firm more.

Just before taking to the table you can sift a dusting of icing sugar on the edges and decorate with a few segments of lemon. Be sure to remove any membrane from the lemon and, of course, the pips.

Lemon Meringue Pie Variation: If you want to turn the tart into a lemon meringue pie you will need to make the meringue as follows (do this while the tart is cooking). To make enough meringue for ONE of the tarts, place 4 of the leftover egg whites in a large bowl and beat with an electric mixer until it is very frothy. Slowly add 1/3 cup of caster sugar while the mixture is beating. Beat until stiff peaks form. About 6 minutes before the end of the tart's cooking time, spread the meringue on top of the tart and return it to the oven to finish cooking. The meringue is cooked when the peaks are golden brown. Note that you will need to make the meringue for each tart seperately, as the egg whites puff up heaps and you won't fit a double batch in one bowl!