Lemon Cordial

You can easily change out the lemon for any flavor you like

Recipe Posted on 17th January 2008

Recipe Source: This recipe came from Naomi's mum. It makes a wonderful cordial - everyone I give it too comes back for more!

Juice and finely grated rind (zest) of 6 lemons
2kg sugar
2 tablespoons (40ml) citric acid
1 tablespoon (20ml) tartaric acid
2 tablespoons (40ml) epsom salts
6 cups (1500ml) boiling water


Mix all ingredients together and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Pour into sterile bottles. When you need a refreshing cold drink, dilute to taste with icy cold water.

  • To make lime cordial, replace the lemon with 10 limes.
  • To make raspberry cordial, replace the lemon with 1kg pureed raspberries. This flavor is actually better if you heat the cordial to boiling and simmer for a couple of minutes before bottling.